Katherine Worthington

Stone Carver & Sculpture repairs

King George II statue

2013 - Covent Garden, Golden Square, London, W1, UK.

Katherine repaired the statue with a new forearm and hand in Portland stone. It was damaged during World War II and replaced in the 1950's. English Heritage were not happy with the 50's restoration and ordered a new replacement. The nose was also recarved and Katherine had to get the right balance installing a new nose on a very weathered head.

To help her with the carving she made a clay model and plaster waste mould.

Click on Images - for large/best quality

King George II statue with repaired handKing George II statue with repaired hand
Hand carving by Katherine WorthingtonHand carving by Katherine Worthington
Portland stone handPortland stone hand
Replacement hand for statueReplacement hand for statue
Clay model Clay model
Plaster waste mould castsPlaster waste mould casts
Chisselling the plaster waste mouldChisselling the plaster waste mould